Riley Bowen, la Festa di Santa Rosa

di Riley Bowen, *

The transport of the Macchina di Santa Rosa di Viterbo – a UNESCO heritage site – is a beautiful event that takes place every year on September 3rd.

The whole day before the festival, that is so loved by the inhabitants of Viterbo, people gather throughout the city center to experience the festival and to attend a performance dating back to 1258. There are many people who take part in the festival and parade to honor the city of Viterbo and its history.

The night before the transport of the Macchina di Santa Rosa, streets come alive with people placing themselves along the entire route, hoping to see their Saint as she runs throughout the city. A beautiful historical procession and other events take place in the old town to keep alive the religious and popular tradition of the Feast of Santa Rosa and create a moving spectacle for everyone who participates.

The day of the event the town is full of excitement with marching bands and flag dancers. People are scattered everywhere, hanging proudly from their balconies the flags of Santa Rosa.

While the porters head towards with the Machine, a huge crowd accompanies them with songs, music and words. Moments before the Machine is transported, city lights go out and the crowd goes quiet as anticipation builds. The only thing that lights the way is the Santa Rosa Machine, which is proudly carried by100 men through the city, as it has happened for centuries every year on September 3rd.

The Macchina di Santa Rosa Transport animates an entire city devoted to the Santa, it attracts many tourists from all over Italy and is considered among the most important events in the country.

The Santa Rosa Macchina model lasts 5 years. Gloria is the name of the Macchina that paraded 7 times. In 2024 there will be a new Santa Rosa Machine, the creator of the project is the architect Raffaele Ascenzi.

Goodbye Santa Rosa in 2024.

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Article author*


My name is Riley Bowen, I’m 20 years old and I’m from Portland Oregon where I attended Southern Oregon University. There I majored in communications and… And minored in creative writing, and played soccer for their women’s soccer team. I have a passion for photography and journalism and have written for my schools newspaper The Siskiyou. I hope to carry on with journalism in my professional career and capture people and places that do not get enough light shed on them.

Mi chiamo Riley Bowen. ho 20 anni e vengo da Portland, Oregon, dove ho frequentato la Southern Oregon University. Lì mi sono specializzata in comunicazione e… E laureata in scrittura creativa, e ho giocato a calcio nella loro squadra femminile. Ho la passione per la fotografia e il giornalismo e ha scritto per The Siskiyou, il giornale della mia scuola. Spero di continuare con il giornalismo nella mia carriera professionale e catturare persone e luoghi che non ricevono abbastanza luce.