At Viterbo visiting the library that you don’t expect

Riley Bowen*

Biblioteca di Viterbo

Last Tuesday, within my internship program, I visited the Viterbo Library and I was amazed by its beauty. This jewel is located nearby the railway station in a tree-lined avenue among anonymous buildings.

I was welcomed by the superintendent Mr. Paolo Pelliccia, who entrusted me to his assistant Cristina for a guided tour in English. A tour through tens of thousands of books written by great and small authors sorted into different cathegories. I got carried away by an exceptional guide in a place that showed itself to my eyes rich, inspiring and full of colours with a prevalence of orange and the images of great authors on the walls as a sort of infinite source of knowledge, like Albert Einstein, there is also a video library, a conference room where events and lectures take place, you can find also a space for children and services for disabled people. Furthermore readers will be able to pre-order books through a card. An organization that looks to the near future.

Before the farewell, Mr. Pelliccia paid me homage of a book entitled “Una Biblioteca” that presents the unique project of the Biblioteca in Viterbo: it will return to the city center of Viterbo on the site of the “Biblioteca degli Ardenti” and I hope to see it in its final realization when I’ll be again in Italy.

I was moved reading a sentence in the book that I prefer to leave in the original language: “Questo progetto è dedicato a tutti i cittadini di Viterbo, e al loro sacro e inviolabile diritto alla cultura pubblica e gratuita”.

I think this can be the best gift for the community to increase its culture and freedom.

Thank you Mr. Pelliccia, thank you Cristina and thank you Stefania.

Biblioteca Riley             Una Biblioteca


Article author*


My name is Riley Bowen, I’m 20 years old and I’m from Portland Oregon where I attended Southern Oregon University. There I majored in communications and… And minored in creative writing, and played soccer for their women’s soccer team. I have a passion for photography and journalism and have written for my schools newspaper The Siskiyou. I hope to carry on with journalism in my professional career and capture people and places that do not get enough light shed on them.

This is my last article. I felt at home in Viterbo. Thank you for the welcome you have given me. I hope one day to return.

Mi chiamo Riley Bowen. ho 20 anni e vengo da Portland, Oregon, dove ho frequentato la Southern Oregon University. Lì mi sono specializzata in comunicazione e… E laureata in scrittura creativa, e ho giocato a calcio nella loro squadra femminile. Ho la passione per la fotografia e il giornalismo e ha scritto per The Siskiyou, il giornale della mia scuola. Spero di continuare con il giornalismo nella mia carriera professionale e catturare persone e luoghi che non ricevono abbastanza luce.

Questo è il mio ultimo articolo. A Viterbo mi sono sentita a casa. Grazie per l’accoglienza che mi avete riservato. Spero un giorno di tornare.